The Plastic Brides

'Moon' © Neo

The purpose of the TTRAKS site is to sell my songs to other artists. But I also make music which is not commercial in the first place, but rather a personal expression. I present this music under the name The Plastic Brides.

My musical style is definitely 1980s New Wave, wich is consistent with my 'vintage', and the majority of the lyrics are about my Christian faith. As it turns out, most of the postmodern new-wave population think it's too Christian, and many Christians think it's too postmodern. But hey, that's me!

In 2010 The Plastic Brides made an EP called Ballrooms, Wine and Crystal Lights, which is presented below:

click title to play

title description singer
Home Some day in the early nineties I was driving home on the N44, through Wassenaar. The camera-enforced speed limit 'inspired' me to drive 70km/u all the time. To kill the time, I began to sing a song over the monotonic sound of my car's engine. Years later I rebuilt the song with new lyrics and included it here. Don't forget to watch the video! Ger Dik
A Touch of Heaven Isn't this what we are all looking for? Is there anything at all that can permanently fulfil you? Or has God created a void in you, which only He can fill? Ger Dik
Created for Eden . . . we are, and not for this world. Dedicated to all people who are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Ger Dik
Lost and Found It happened just like this! The book which this song is about is Return from forever by George Ritchie. The cover said that the book could change your life. In my case it did! Ger Dik
Titanic In 2008 I wrote the song 'Titanic'. The tune wandered in my mind for years and years, but I couldn't find a good subject for the lyrics. On the morning of the collapse of Lehman Brothers' bank, I received an e-mail which compared this event to the sinking of the Titanic. That was when all the pieces came together. My good friend René de Bakker, who b.t.w. is a brilliant songwriter himself, was so kind to sing it. René de Bakker

For the song Home I also made a video:

The next The Plastic Brides EP is under construction:

click title to play

title description singer
Vortex This song I wrote for Kajal, but since I left Kajal they don't perform it any more. Although not explicitely christian, the song is 100% new-wave, so I though that presenting it here, as the latest 'The Plastic Brides' song, would be suitable. Ger Dik
Looking For Love In all the wrong places. . . . (This one also occurs as a 'featured song') Ger Dik
Mene Tekel Ufarsin
(All a pay call)
About a sinister series of events occured in Oude Pekela in 1987. Children had been abducted by clowns, who performed sexual 'games' with them before releasing them. Will we ever know the truth? The official story accused the Pekelders of mass hysteria, but I know a lot of people from Pekela and I have yet to find a more down-to-earth kind of people. Ger Dik
The Mark of Revelation 13 Could human RF-ID implants be the mark of the beast of Revelation 13? If so, we live in Biblical end times. Hear this song weep about humanity and it's fate. Ger Dik
Someone We used to play this song with 'Time' (see the bands page). That was a long time ago. I learned a thing or two in the mean time, so I re-worked the lyrics, added a theme and a keyboard solo, while trying to preserve the original atmosphere as well as I could. Ger Dik

Unreleased The Plastic Brides songs:

click title to play

title description year
An Angel Among Us Tiller the Killer 2009
Hoe Lang Nog The brides in Dutch and more explicitly christian than ever. 2008
I Just Wanted You To Know I just wanted you to know that I entirely forgot when and how I wrote this song. '2014' is from the date of the mp3 file. 2014
The Cult Of The Moon Dedicated to the 'Open Doors' foundation. 2007
Desire Originally written for my former band 'The Man in the Moon'. 1995
He Still About a prodigal son and a waiting Father. 2009
